Nintendo have shared another three character profiles on their 3DS Facebook page from Fire Emblem: Awakening. This week, we’re looking at Cordelia, Tharja and Cherche.

Today’s character spotlight is Cordelia, an Ylissean Pegasus knight who has been friends with Sumia since childhood.

Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening is our spotlight for today. A mopey Plegian dark mage with a jealous streak, Tharja usually keeps to herself chanting disturbing hexes.

Our Fire Emblem Awakening spotlight is Cherche a wyvern rider. She is raised on simple values and loves to cook and sew.
Fire Emblem: Awakening will be released on February 4th in the U.S. and in April in Europe.
Read more stories about Fire Emblem: Awakening & Nintendo 3DS on Siliconera.